Minnesota Secretary Of State - 1996 Primary Election Results
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1996 Primary Election Results

1996 Primary Election Results

Votes for U.S. Senator
Candidate Party Total Votes Percent
"Dick" Franson Democratic-Farmer-Labor 16,465 7.31%
Ed Hansen Democratic-Farmer-Labor 9,990 4.43%
Ole Savior Democratic-Farmer-Labor 4,180 1.86%
Paul D. Wellstone Democratic-Farmer-Labor 194,699 86.40%
Rudy Boschwitz Republican 158,678 80.59%
Bert McKasy Republican 12,711 6.46%
Monti Moreno Republican 6,536 3.32%
Stephen Young Republican 16,324 8.29%
John J. Zeleniak Republican 2,655 1.35%
Dean Barkley Reform 3,553 100.00%


For more election results, see the State Canvassing Board report.