Minnesota Secretary Of State - General Business Filing Forms
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General Business Filing Forms

Here are some forms that can be used regardless of the type of business you have. For more specific forms, choose your business type on the left to find the appropriate form.

Use this information to create Articles of Correction to correct inaccurate or erroneous statements in your filing.

Articles of Correction Handout.pdf


Use this form t
o record an attorney’s name and address that will be designated to receive service of process on a Foreign Trust Association.

Foreign Trust Association Designation of Attorney for Service of Process.pdf

The following entities can use this form to change the registered office and/or Agent:

  • Domestic Corporation
  • Foreign Corporation
  • Limited Liability Company (Domestic & Foreign)
  • Nonprofit Corporation (Domestic & Foreign)
  • Cooperative (Domestic & Foreign)

A registered office address in Minnesota is required.

Change of Registered Office/Agent.pdf

A consent form is required if there is a conflict between the business name you are filing and an existing business name. The existing business needs to consent to your use of the name. A consent form needs to be submitted along with the original filing or amendment you wish to record.

Consent to Use of Name.pdf

If you are unable to successfully contact the conflicting party to sign the consent form, you can then submit an Abandoned Name Affidavit if all the requirements listed on the Abandoned Name Affidavit form have been fulfilled. (Listed on the form) Abandoned Name Affidavit form must be submitted along with the original filing or amendment you wish to record.

Abandoned Name Affidavit.pdf

Use this form to 
change the official email address that was provided in your filing. This email address may be used to send annual renewal reminders and other important notices that may require action or responses.

Change of Official Email Address.pdf

Effective 7/1/2010 Business Trust Filings are filed as Official Documents. Go here to file your Business Trust filing.

Use this form to reserve a business name for 12 months. The Name Reservation does not register the business name. The name reservation may be renewed for additional twelve month periods.

Name Reservation.pdf

Use this form to Cancel an existing Name Reservation.

Cancellation of Name Reservation.pdf

Many of these services are available online. Go here to use our online system, or go here for instructions.

Completed forms can be mailed to our office, or an appointment can be scheduled for in-person service.


Mailing address:

Minnesota Secretary of State
First National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite N201
Saint Paul, MN 55101


Click here to Book an Appointment

Staffed 8 am - 4 pm
Monday - Friday