Minnesota Secretary Of State - Presidential election process
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Presidential election process

Qualifications and Ballot Access 

The Presidential Candidates page lists the qualifications necessary to be President of the United States as well as the process candidates must follow to be on the ballot in Minnesota.

Election Process

Presidential Electors

Each party with a presidential candidate, or a write-in presidential candidate, on the Minnesota General Election ballot will submit a list of electors (major party candidates by certification; non-major party candidates on the nominating petition; and write-ins on the write-in registration form).

State Canvassing Board

The state canvassing board meets on the third Tuesday after the state general election. (Minnesota Statutes 204C.33) At that meeting the board will open and canvass the returns made to the secretary of state for presidential electors and alternates, prepare a statement of the number of votes cast for the persons receiving votes for these offices, and declare the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes for each office duly elected. (Minnesota Statutes 208.05)

Governor Notification of Electors

"The governor shall transmit to each person declared elected a Certificate of Election, signed by the governor, sealed with the state seal and countersigned by the secretary of state.” (Minnesota Statutes 208.05)

Electors Meet at Capitol to Vote

On the day before the day fixed by congress for the electors to vote for president and vice president the electors shall notify the governor that they are at the state capitol and ready to fulfill their duties as electors at the proper time.  The governor shall deliver a certificate of the names of all the electors to the electors present. (Minnesota Statutes 208.06) On the day fixed by congress to vote for President and Vice President the electors shall meet at 12:00 PM in the executive chamber of the state capitol and shall perform all the duties imposed upon them as electors by the constitution and laws of the United States and the state of Minnesota. As a condition of having been chosen under the name of the party of a presidential and vice presidential candidate the electors are obligated to vote for those candidates. (Minnesota Statutes 208.46) The day fixed by congress for the electors to vote is the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. (3 U.S.C. 1)